Operation: Eggcorn

 egg•corn (noun) a word or phrase that results from a mishearing or misinterpretation of another, an element of the original being substituted for one that sounds very similar or identical (e.g. tow the line instead of toe the line ). The OperationSelect or create an eggcorn, use it in a sentence, and photoshop that sentence highlighting the eggcorn.a list of common eggcorns can be found here and here Example:entry: I saw a squirrel collecting eggcorns in my yard. Notes:Including a link to your original primary image source is preferred.Use the NSFW label (liberally) when appropriate.The winner of this battle will receive 3months of Reddit Gold.Entries will be hidden through Sunday, February 12thVoting will be Open the 13th thru the 21stThe next Operation will be posted on February 22nd  Previous AgentCongratulations to /u/i_am_a_bot-ama, who was the winner of the previous Operation: Photoshop on WheelsThe final standings were as follows:1st Place2nd Place3rd Place/u/i_am_a_bot-ama/u/Cmatthewman/u/CptSasquatchAmazon Next Gen: Show Case Drone Wars Test Drive: Eliminate the competitionXeno-Truckau•to•bi•og•ra•phy Congratulations! And thanks to everyone who participated and voted!  via /r/photoshopbattles http://ift.tt/2lqwhPL

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